Russ Madrigal

Technical SEO

Web Analyst

Nature lover

Husband and Father

Russ Madrigal

Technical SEO

Web Analyst

Nature lover

Husband and Father

Blog Post

SEO Experiment: An informative-based project grew without link building

November 3, 2021 SEO
SEO Experiment: An informative-based project grew without link building

SEO experiment is an informational-based website that keeps growing after six months without links.

SEO changes every day; we all know that, however, and from my point of view, reading news or seeing the MOZ algorithm update timeline isn’t enough. We need to keep creating new projects and testing the Google algorithm; it’s one of the best ways to discover new things that can be used on clients’ projects.

I’ve created some projects, and six months later, some data comes up; the idea of data shared on this post isn’t to highlight my success experiments; it’s about sharing data with the SEO community that could help them make a better decision when some change need to be done.

Said that let’s start

In the middle of March 2021, I started 4 Spanish-based microsites, one of those was which is an informative site focus on helping people find data about online forms. The main goal of this “niche” is trying to rank for the most critical terms without link building.

Since it wasn’t an aggressive niche, I started seeing some traffic on April 1st; the organic traffic trends grew, increasing 50% every week.

It caught my attention that ranking volatility was high. Google tested my content and compared it against other established sites such as Online Newspaper, deciding if the new “neighbor” fit the user intent.

Competitors started to lose traffic; it was visible on tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs, it was clear that my site was covering the user intent better.

The first version of my site was straightforward, just a thread of articles on how to get the form and the form self with an option to download it in PDF format.

Competitor’s mistake

Quickly, I detected that competitor could not make changes fast; a couple of days later, I spoke with an SEO guy who works in a large online Newspaper company. He told me that changes like “add a button to the download source” need the approval of 2 or 4 people, and during that road, sometimes ideas don’t become real because people who have the last word are not SEOs, and value is not easily perceived.

I’m not saying that all companies work in the same way, but that competitor at that moment was falling into a bureaucratic mistake.

Domain Migration

As SEO, I have to be able to test my projects, take changes to the limit. I decided to change domain name, to and validate how Google validates that update.

On August 28, the domain was move to, fortunately no traffic drop on the update and 2 later organic traffic still growing, so far.

The next movement

Since the site is still growing, I will optimize for more vital terms over 1,000,000 searches per month. I’ll update this post in January 2022 to share with you the data collected.

See you in 2022

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